Suicide. Suicide is a complex and touchy topic. Suicide means “self-killing.” No one likes to talk about it. No one understands suicide, except for those who have suicidal thoughts. It’s normal to feel empty and alone. Everyone has feelings of sadness, but not all people have depression. There are tons and tons of ways to attempt and succeed with suicide. Questions that we always ask ourselves: why would someone do that to themselves? The answer is that no one knows and no one will ever know or understand the comprehension of why people would hurt themselves to get rid of the pain.
Someone, somewhere commits suicide every 18 minutes. You might never know who it will be. It could be the guy that always sits by himself, or the guy at the top of the class or runs track and cross country. I know someone like this. A classmate took his own life because he felt so alone in the world. He thought it was his only way out. I know someone personally that was always the girl that sat by herself, that tried to take her own life. The girl that no one really liked or even knew. The girl that felt so alone. That girl… is a warrior. That girl is also me.
Suicide does not have one single cause. Certain factors like substance abuse and depression can lead to a high risk of suicide. Suicidal people have warning signs, so be on the lookout:
Talking about wanting to die or to kill yourself
Looking for a way to kill yourself
Talking about feeling hopeless and having no purpose
Talking about feeling trapped and being in unbearable pain
Talking about being a burden to others
Increasing the use of alcohol and drugs
Acting reckless
Sleeping too little or too much
Eating too little or too much
Showing rage
Displaying extreme mood swings
Although, it might seem as if your unhappiness will never end, it is important to realize that crises are usually time-limited. Solutions are found, feelings change, unexpected positive events occur. Suicide is sometimes referred to a “permanent solution for a temporary problem.” Don’t let suicide rob you of better times that will come your way when you allow more time to pass and seek professional help. Endure the moment so you can have the rest of your life. Your story is not yet over.
You are not alone!
If you are feeling alone and suicidal, please seek help now. Talk to a trusted friend, teacher, counselor, or adult. In an emergency, call 911. Call the suicide hotline, if necessary, 1-800-273-8255.
The meaning behind the semicolon tattoo is that the semicolon is used when an author wants to continue with the sentence, and chooses not to end it. The semicolon is you and the sentence is your life: a life worth reading, a bit of poetry going somewhere wonderful.