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Personalized Parking

LCHS Journalism Staff

By Jenna Robertson

During recent years, painting parking spots has been a common desire among many student drivers. Many high schools across the United States allow their students to express individuality by painting their parking spots at school. Around here, the most notable school being Franklin-Simpson High School. One student cynically stated, “Yet another thing that Franklin beats Logan County at.” Many students are upset that they are not allowed to express themselves through their parking spots. One Logan County student stated, “I would love to be able to express myself through my parking spot because sometimes it is hard for me to do so in school.” Many students find that being allowed to paint our parking spots would bring out creativity, self-expression, and also happiness and color to the school parking lot. In an interview, a Logan County Freshman stated, “I would love to be able to paint my parking spot my senior year, to have something to look forward to in high school.” Administration and staff are split down the middle when it comes to painting the parking lot. Half of the teachers believe that it would be good for students and it would be something fun for seniors to do in their last year as a high schooler.

The other half believe that it would be unprofessional and pointless considering the parking lot was recently repaved over the summer. Mr. Spears, Logan County High School principal, stated, “I would love for our students to be able to express themselves through art, but preferably in a different and less permanent way.” Considering Logan County spent a considerable amount of money to repave the school parking lot recently, this is a reasonable statement. Mr. Spears did go back to say that although he is not all for it, he does not completely disapprove of the idea. Although, if Logan County will not allow us to express ourselves in this way, then what way will they allow? One teacher said, “Many students do not feel like they can be themselves in a school setting because they are told to act a certain way and confine their personalities, but maybe if they were allowed to express themselves in some sort of way in school they might be more comfortable in a school setting.” I asked one parent if she thought that painting parking spots would be a good form of self-expression. She stated, “I feel like it would be a good way for my son to show his personality through his artwork because it is hard for him to come out of his shell in school the school setting.”

There are many conflicting opinions on this subject, with some being for, and some opposed. Many members of the administration have conflicting thoughts, but maybe if students began to show their support and make their opinions known, then it may be possible. Although its future is not bright, there is still a sliver of light shining on the possibility of painted parking spots in Logan County’s future.


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